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"Centro empresarial Colpatria" }, { "code": "City parking Edificio ECOTEK 14", "name": "City parking Edificio ECOTEK 14" }, { "code": "City parking U Central", "name": "City parking U Central" }, { "code": "Homecenter Dorado calle 26", "name": "Homecenter Dorado calle 26" }, { "code": "Centro comercial Salitre plaza", "name": "Centro comercial Salitre plaza" }, { "code": "Parqueadero H&H", "name": "Parqueadero H&H" }, { "code": "City Parking SmartFit Chapinero", "name": "City Parking SmartFit Chapinero" }, { "code": "choice_244", "name": "City Parking Universidad Central Campus" }, { "code": "Home Center calle 80", "name": "Home Center calle 80" }, { "code": "Éxito Suba", "name": "Éxito Suba" }, { "code": "Edificio Torre Alianza - MTS", "name": "Edificio Torre Alianza - MTS" }, { "code": "Edifico Fijar 93 - MTS", "name": "Edifico Fijar 93 - MTS" }, { "code": "Alcaldia Local Rafael Uribe Uri", "name": "Alcaldia Local Rafael Uribe Uribe" }, { "code": "Alcaldia Local Antonio Nariño", "name": "Alcaldia Local Antonio Nariño" }, { "code": "Alcaldia Local Chapinero", "name": "Alcaldia Local Chapinero" }, { "code": "ETB- Sede centro", "name": "ETB- Sede centro" }, { "code": "ETB- Sede bachue", "name": "ETB- Sede bachue" }, { "code": "ETB- Sede san carlos", "name": "ETB- Sede san carlos" }, { "code": "Centro comercial Fiesta Suba", "name": "Centro comercial Fiesta Suba" }, { "code": "RTVC", "name": "RTVC" }, { "code": "Centro comercial Mi centro El P", "name": "Centro comercial Mi centro El Porvenir Bosa" }, { "code": "Centro comecial Diver Plaza", "name": "Centro comecial Diver Plaza" }, { "code": "Ecopetrol Dirección General", "name": "Ecopetrol Dirección General" }, { "code": "Novo Nordisk Colombia", "name": "Novo Nordisk Colombia" }, { "code": "Alcaldía Local Engativá", "name": "Alcaldía Local Engativá" }, { "code": "Alcaldía Local Fontibón", "name": "Alcaldía Local Fontibón" }, { "code": "Alcaldía Local Suba", "name": "Alcaldía Local Suba" }, { "code": "Edificio 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"INTEGRACION Y GESTION EN TERRITORIO- SUBD" }, { "code": "JARDIN INFANTIL DIURNO-ABSUN", "name": "JARDIN INFANTIL DIURNO-ABSUN" }, { "code": "CENTROS CRECER", "name": "CENTROS CRECER" }, { "code": "JARDIN INFANTIL DIURNO - LOS CE", "name": "JARDIN INFANTIL DIURNO - LOS CEDROS" }, { "code": "choice_281", "name": "INTEGRACION Y GESTION EN TERRITORIO" }, { "code": "COMISARIAS DE FAMILIA- CFAM", "name": "COMISARIAS DE FAMILIA- CFAM" }, { "code": "NUESTRA SEÑORA DE GUADALUPE EL", "name": "NUESTRA SEÑORA DE GUADALUPE EL PARAISO" }, { "code": "choice_284", "name": "INTEGRACION Y GESTION EN TERRITORIO 60 - CDC-LA VICTORIA" }, { "code": "COMISARIAS DE FAMILIA - CFAM CA", "name": "COMISARIAS DE FAMILIA - CFAM CANDELARIA" }, { "code": "choice_286", "name": "INTEGRACION Y GESTION EN TERRITORIO 10115-CDC-JULIO CESAR SANCHEZ" }, { "code": "ATENCIÓN INTEGRAL A MUJERES GES", "name": "ATENCIÓN INTEGRAL A MUJERES GESTANTES, NIÑAS Y NIÑOS - BOTONCILLO DE AGUA" }, { "code": "JARDIN INFANTIL DIURNO - FANA", "name": "JARDIN INFANTIL DIURNO - FANA" }, { "code": "CENTROS CRECER - USAQUÉN", "name": "CENTROS CRECER - USAQUÉN" }, { "code": "CENTRO DE ATENCIÓN DISTRITAL PA", "name": "CENTRO DE ATENCIÓN DISTRITAL PARA LA INCLUSIÓN SOCIAL" }, { "code": "COMISARIAS DE FAMILIA - CFAM PU", "name": "COMISARIAS DE FAMILIA - CFAM PUENTE ARANDA" }, { "code": "CASA DE LA JUVENTUD DIEGO FELIP", "name": "CASA DE LA JUVENTUD DIEGO FELIPE BECERRA" }, { "code": "choice_293", "name": "INTEGRACION Y GESTION EN TERRITORIO" }, { "code": "CASA DE LA JUVENTUD ENGATIVA", "name": "CASA DE LA JUVENTUD ENGATIVA" }, { "code": "Concejo de Bogota", "name": "Concejo de Bogota" }, { "code": "Imprenta Nacional", "name": "Imprenta Nacional" }, { "code": "Alcaldia local de Teusaquillo", "name": "Alcaldia local de Teusaquillo" }, { "code": "Alcaldia local de Sana fe", "name": "Alcaldia local de Sana fe" }, { "code": "Alcaldia local Usme", "name": "Alcaldia local Usme" }, { "code": "Homecenter cedritos", "name": "Homecenter cedritos" }, { "code": "Homecenter av 68", "name": "Homecenter av 68" }, { "code": "homecenter tintal", "name": "homecenter tintal" }, { "code": "Unidad de Mantenimiento Vial", "name": "Unidad de Mantenimiento Vial" }, { "code": "City Parking Portal Belalcazar", "name": "City Parking Portal Belalcazar" }, { "code": "City Parking calle 79", "name": "City Parking calle 79" }, { "code": "City Parking calle 77", "name": "City Parking calle 77" }, { "code": "City Parking KR 13", "name": "City Parking KR 13" }, { "code": "City Parking calle 17", "name": "City Parking calle 17" }, { "code": "Centro comercial Nuestro Bogotá", "name": "Centro comercial Nuestro Bogotá" }, { "code": "Centro comercial Dorado Plaza", "name": "Centro comercial Dorado Plaza" }, { "code": "Alcaldia local CANDELARIA", "name": "Alcaldia local CANDELARIA" }, { "code": "Centro empresarial Connecta", "name": "Centro empresarial Connecta" }, { "code": "Parking 777", "name": "Parking 777" }, { "code": "Alcaldia local PUENTE ARANDA", "name": "Alcaldia local PUENTE ARANDA" }, { "code": "EDIFICIO CALLE 95 \u2013 11", "name": "EDIFICIO CALLE 95 \u2013 11" }, { "code": "EDIFICIO TORRES UNIDAS 2", "name": "EDIFICIO TORRES UNIDAS 2" }, { "code": "EDIFICIO ECOTOWER 93", "name": "EDIFICIO ECOTOWER 93" }, { "code": "ECOTOWER 100", "name": "ECOTOWER 100" }, { "code": "EDIFICIO ECOTOWER CHICÓ", "name": "EDIFICIO ECOTOWER CHICÓ" }, { "code": "COLEGIO MARYMOUNT", "name": "COLEGIO MARYMOUNT" }, { "code": "TORRE EMPRESARIAL FD100", "name": "TORRE EMPRESARIAL FD100" }, { "code": "CENTRO EMPRESARIAL PARALELO 26", "name": "CENTRO EMPRESARIAL PARALELO 26 P.H" }, { "code": "T7-T8 CENTRO EMPRESARIAL SARMIE", "name": "T7-T8 CENTRO EMPRESARIAL SARMIENTO ANGULO" }, { "code": "FUNDACION UNIVERSITARIA AREA AN", "name": "FUNDACION UNIVERSITARIA AREA ANDINA" }, { "code": "LA PERSONERIA", "name": "LA PERSONERIA" }, { "code": "EDIFICIO PRIME TOWER MTS", "name": "EDIFICIO PRIME TOWER MTS" }, { "code": "City parking Andes", "name": "City parking Andes" }, { "code": "Cardio infantil", "name": "Cardio infantil" }, { "code": "Compensar Av 68", "name": "Compensar Av 68" }, { "code": "Parque comercial La Victoria", "name": "Parque comercial La Victoria" }, { "code": "Centro comercial mall plaza", "name": "Centro comercial mall plaza" }, { "code": "Home Sentry Americas", "name": "Home Sentry Americas" }, { "code": "Home Sentry AV KR 68", "name": "Home Sentry AV KR 68" }, { "code": "Alkosto Av 68", "name": "Alkosto Av 68" }, { "code": "Exito calle 80", "name": "Exito calle 80" }, { "code": "Makro calle 80", "name": "Makro calle 80" }, { "code": "Bomberos Edificio Comando", "name": "Bomberos Edificio Comando" }, { "code": "Alkosto Kr 30", "name": "Alkosto Kr 30" }, { "code": "Alkosto Venecia", "name": "Alkosto Venecia" }, { "code": "Centro comercial Multiplaza", "name": "Centro comercial Multiplaza" }, { "code": "Centro comercial Paseo Villa de", "name": "Centro comercial Paseo Villa del rio" }, { "code": "Centro de salud candelaria", "name": "Centro de salud candelaria" }, { "code": "Centro de salud Manuela Beltrán", "name": "Centro de salud Manuela Beltrán" }, { "code": "Centro de salud El Carmen", "name": "Centro de salud El Carmen" }, { "code": "Makro Villa del rio", "name": "Makro Villa del rio" }, { "code": "Compensar Suba", "name": "Compensar Suba" }, { "code": "GIZ", "name": "GIZ" }, { "code": "Centro comercial El Edén", "name": "Centro comercial El Edén" }, { "code": "Carvajal", "name": "Carvajal" }, { "code": "Centro comercial Centro Mayor (", "name": "Centro comercial Centro Mayor (recertificación)" }, { "code": "Alcaldia Local Ciudad Bolivar", "name": "Alcaldia Local Ciudad Bolivar" }, { "code": "Compensar CUR", "name": "Compensar CUR" }, { "code": "FIC 9211", "name": "FIC 9211" }, { "code": "Compensar cll 94", "name": "Compensar cll 94" }, { "code": "Ministerio de minas y energía", "name": "Ministerio de minas y energía" }, { "code": "Alcaldía local Barrios Unidos", "name": "Alcaldía local Barrios Unidos" }, { "code": "TM Portal Sur", "name": "TM Portal Sur" }, { "code": "choice_358", "name": "Parking International Edificio Salvio" }, { "code": "choice_359", "name": "Parking International Edificio 811" }, { "code": "ETB- Sede san carlos_", "name": "ETB- Sede san carlos " }, { "code": "Unidad de Mantenimiento Vial_", "name": "Unidad de Mantenimiento Vial " }, { "code": "Parking 777_", "name": "Parking 777 " }, { "code": "EDIFICIO CALLE 95 \u2013 11_", "name": "EDIFICIO CALLE 95 \u2013 11 " }, { "code": "EDIFICIO TORRES UNIDAS 2_", "name": "EDIFICIO TORRES UNIDAS 2 " }, { "code": "EDIFICIO ECOTOWER 93_", "name": "EDIFICIO ECOTOWER 93 " }, { "code": "ECOTOWER 100_", "name": "ECOTOWER 100 " }, { "code": "EDIFICIO ECOTOWER CHICÓ_", "name": "EDIFICIO ECOTOWER CHICÓ " }, { "code": "Cardio infantil_", "name": "Cardio infantil " }, { "code": "Centro comercial mall plaza_", "name": "Centro comercial mall plaza " }, { "code": "Bomberos Edificio Comando_", "name": "Bomberos Edificio Comando " }, { "code": "Alkosto Venecia_", "name": "Alkosto Venecia " }, { "code": "Centro comercial Paseo Villa d", "name": "Centro comercial Paseo Villa del rio " }, { "code": "Makro Villa del rio_", "name": "Makro Villa del rio " }, { "code": "Alcaldia Local Ciudad Bolivar_", "name": "Alcaldia Local Ciudad Bolivar " }, { "code": "TM Portal Sur_", "name": "TM Portal Sur " }, { "code": "CITY PARKING BODYTECH CHAPINERO", "name": "CITY PARKING BODYTECH CHAPINERO" }, { "code": "CITY PARKING CALLE 64 # 10 - 64", "name": "CITY PARKING CALLE 64 # 10 - 64" }, { "code": "CITY PARKING EDIFICIO LOURDES C", "name": "CITY PARKING EDIFICIO LOURDES CENTER" }, { "code": "CITY PARKING ROSALES", "name": "CITY PARKING ROSALES" }, { "code": "CITY PARKING CREPES CALLE 74", "name": "CITY PARKING CREPES CALLE 74" }, { "code": "CITY PARKING BODYTECH KENNEDY", "name": "CITY PARKING BODYTECH KENNEDY" }, { "code": "CITY PARKING LOTE KENNEDY", "name": "CITY PARKING LOTE KENNEDY" }, { "code": "CITY PARKING LOTE KENNEDY VISTA", "name": "CITY PARKING LOTE KENNEDY VISTA ALEGRE" }, { "code": "CITY PARKING BAZAAR ALSACIA", "name": "CITY PARKING BAZAAR ALSACIA" }, { "code": "CITY PARKING COLSUBSIDIO IPANEM", "name": "CITY PARKING COLSUBSIDIO IPANEMA" }, { "code": "CITY PARKING HOMI", "name": "CITY PARKING HOMI" }, { "code": "CITY PARKING MEDICAL CENTER", "name": "CITY PARKING MEDICAL CENTER" }, { "code": "CITY PARKING NORTH POINT", "name": "CITY PARKING NORTH POINT" }, { "code": "CITY PARKING FLORMORADO 117", "name": "CITY PARKING FLORMORADO 117" }, { "code": "CITY PARKING FLORMORADO PLAZA 1", "name": "CITY PARKING FLORMORADO PLAZA 116" }, { "code": "CITY PARKING VALMARIA", "name": "CITY PARKING VALMARIA" }, { "code": "CITY PARKING ZULA", "name": "CITY PARKING ZULA" }, { "code": "CITY PARKING TORRE 126", "name": "CITY PARKING TORRE 126" }, { "code": "CITY PARKING HOTEL BEST WESTER", "name": "CITY PARKING HOTEL BEST WESTER" }, { "code": "CITY PARKING PARQUE 93", "name": "CITY PARKING PARQUE 93" }, { "code": "CITY PARKING SMART FIT SANTA BA", "name": "CITY PARKING SMART FIT SANTA BARBARA" }, { "code": "CITY PARKING METRO 127", "name": "CITY PARKING METRO 127" }, { "code": "CITY PARKING QBO", "name": "CITY PARKING QBO" }, { "code": "CITY PARKING TINKKO 92", "name": "CITY PARKING TINKKO 92" }, { "code": "CITY PARKING OUTLET FACTORY", "name": "CITY PARKING OUTLET FACTORY" }, { "code": "CITY PARKING ZONA IN", "name": "CITY PARKING ZONA IN" }, { "code": "CITY PARKING CALLE 13 66-70", "name": "CITY PARKING CALLE 13 66-70" }, { "code": "CITY PARKING SMART FIT CHAPINER", "name": "CITY PARKING SMART FIT CHAPINERO" }, { "code": "CITY PARKING UNIVERSIDAD CATOLI", "name": "CITY PARKING UNIVERSIDAD CATOLICA LOTE" }, { "code": "choice_405", "name": "CITY PARKING UNIVERSIDAD CATOLICA LAS TORRES" }, { "code": "choice_406", "name": "CITY PARKING UNIVERSIDAD CATOLICA - EDIF INT" }, { "code": "choice_407", "name": "CITY PARKING UNIVERSIDAD CATOLICA LOTE PRIVADO" }, { "code": "CITY PARKING MUSEO NACIONAL", "name": "CITY PARKING MUSEO NACIONAL" }, { "code": "CITY PARKING PLAZA LA SANTAMARI", "name": "CITY PARKING PLAZA LA SANTAMARIA" }, { "code": "CITY PARKING CENTRO INTERNACION", "name": "CITY PARKING CENTRO INTERNACIONAL" }, { "code": "CITY PARKING FONADE", "name": "CITY PARKING FONADE" }, { "code": "CITY PARKING WEWORK 101", "name": "CITY PARKING WEWORK 101" }, { "code": "CITY PARKING CHICO 104", "name": "CITY PARKING CHICO 104" }, { "code": "CITY PARKING BODYTECH 102", "name": "CITY PARKING BODYTECH 102" }, { "code": "CITY PARKING CALLE 93B 13-55", "name": "CITY PARKING CALLE 93B 13-55" }, { "code": "CITY PARKING CALLE 93 CON CRA 1", "name": "CITY PARKING CALLE 93 CON CRA 15" }, { "code": "CITY PARKING TORRE ZIMMA", "name": "CITY PARKING TORRE ZIMMA" }, { "code": "CITY PARKING AV 19 # 105 - 52", "name": "CITY PARKING AV 19 # 105 - 52" }, { "code": "CITY PARKING SIM 106", "name": "CITY PARKING SIM 106" }, { "code": "CITY PARKING HUB DE MOVILIDAD P", 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